Monday, January 27, 2014

Prayer Update

Hello friends!  Just wanted to stop by and request our prayer warriors to be in continued prayer for direction as God leads us to the church He has for Josh to shepherd.  He has been actively seeking a church for a while now and we have looked at many that seem perfect for Josh's giftedness and calling.  Please pray for the people leading the search committee's, that they would have discernment and clarity to follow God's leading, as well as strength to get through the very long process of searching for a pastor.  Please pray for the people at the church that God is preparing for us.  Pray that God would give them patience in the waiting for a new pastor and continued spiritual growth.  Pray that the spirit works in the hearts of the unsaved in the community there, that they would be ripe for the harvest when God calls us to it.  Also, pray for us as we patiently wait on God's timing.  Pray that we would have discernment as well to know which church God would have us go to.  Thank you all for your continued support, love, and prayers!  God is at work all around us, and we are grateful to be a part of it!