Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Alberto's First Week

It has been almost one week since we met Alberto, a student from Spain that we are hosting for a month.  He lives with us full time and goes to Bethel every weekday for class and outings.  We could not have asked for a better first time student than Alberto!  He is so polite and easy to relate to!  At first, we had a little trouble with the language barrier, but his English is getting better and better every day, and we are learning to understand his speech better and better every day.  We have learned that our church is different than he's used to, but I don't think he hated it. :)  We have been swimming, gone to the fair, and took a trip to a Must-Go-To All American Walmart!  LOL  Tonight, he joined Josh and the kids at church for Martial Arts classes and it looks as if he had a pretty fun time with it.  He is REALLY into sports and wants to learn baseball while he's here, so we are going to plan a Silverhawks game and some time at the ball field soon.  All in all, I think it's been an amazing week and I am very encouraged by how well he has fit into our family.  I hope he's having as much fun as we are!  :o)

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